Legal Matters Rap

Hey, listen up, I got something to say
About legal matters in the US of A
From handguns in New York to expandable batons
Collaborative practice agreements and unfair term cons
Mistakes in the law and famous court cases, too
Department of education rules, I’m dropping some truth
Let me break it down, don’t be no fool
Cause when it comes to the law, you gotta follow the rule

Wondering if it’s legal to carry an expandable baton?
Well, the answer ain’t just black and white, it’s a bit of a marathon
From state to state, the laws may change
So make sure you know before you arrange

And if you’re in New York, wondering about handgun laws
You better do your research and understand the cause
Not every piece is legal, so be aware
You don’t wanna get caught in a legal nightmare

Thinking about collaborative practice with a physician’s assistant
Gotta have an agreement, don’t let it get stagnant
Know the unfair terms and what’s not allowed
Keep your practice legal, don’t let yourself get plowed

And if you’re into famous court cases, let me tell you one thing
From Roe v. Wade to Brown v. Board, it makes your heart sing
These cases laid the groundwork for the law today
You gotta know them so you don’t go astray

So when it comes to department of education laws and regulations
Don’t take it lightly, don’t make no allegations
Understand the rules, follow them to the letter
Keep yourself on the right side, don’t make it any better

And if you ever make a mistake in the law, pay attention, don’t be dense
Mistake of law is no defense
You gotta know the rules, don’t let yourself falter
Stay informed and keep your case from the alter

For legal services that you can trust
Turn to Lavoie Law Office, they’re a real must
With experience and skill, they’ll have your back
Keeping you legal and on the right track